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Investment Deposit of Silk Road Bank

The investment deposit is a combined product consisting of a term deposit in a bank and purchased shares in the open investment fund NLB Top Brands, managed by NLB Funds AD Skopje.
The client puts half of the funds in the bank as a deposit, and with the other half of the funds, he buys shares in the Fund. Payment to the fund is made exclusively without cash. Additional payments are not possible on an already term deposit.   

  • minimum amount MKD 6.000 / EUR 100

  • MKD
  • EUR

Term of service:
  • 25 months
  • 36 months
Interest rate:
  • Fixed interest rates
  • No possibility of automatic rescheduling
MKD Deposits
Term of serviceInterest rate*Interest Bonus**Total interest rate
25 months  1,90%1,30%3,20%
36 months  2,40%1,30%3,70%
EUR Deposits
Term of serviceInterest rate*Interest Bonus**Total interest rate
25 months 1,60%1,30%2,90%
36 months 1,90%1,30%3,20%
* Interest rates are on an annual basis
** Interest bonus 1.30% per annum fixed on the term amount - Interest bonus 1.30% per annum fixed on the term amount - deposit in the Bank (it is paid by the Fund to the Bank and the Bank is obliged to pay the funds to the Investor - the client after the maturity of the deposit).

Early termination of the contract

Premature withdrawal of the deposit before the expiration of the agreed period of installments (premature cancellation) is possible with a written request of the client to the Bank or by submitting a request for the redemption of shares in the Company. Interest is calculated for the customer using the at sight interest rate, for the period from the installment date to the deposit withdrawal date.

In case of premature termination of the deposit agreement, the client does not exercise the right to a bonus on the interest rate.

The deposit agreement with the client ceases to be valid after the expiration of the agreed installment period, after which the funds from the term deposit and the payment to the Fund are paid to the client's bank account.

Maturity of deposit

At the regular maturity of the deposit, the funds from the term deposit in the Bank together with the bonus interest will be paid to the client's payment account, while for the funds paid into the Company, the client can decide whether they will remain in the Fund or will be paid to his payment account.

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