Individuals > Deposits > Denar


Discover the deposits offered by our bank

Every citizen, who wishes to save, may invest his/her money as a deposit in the Bank. The opening of a savings deposit is carried out with personal ID for domestic individuals and a passport for foreign individuals in all of the Bank's Branches.

The savings deposit may be titled to:
  • A name
  • A person under guardianship
The funds from the savings deposit may be at a disposal of:
  • The person to whom it was issued
  • The empowered person authorised by the depositor, legal representative or guardian
The savings deposits may be:
  • sight
  • fixed-term
  • specifically purposed
Denar Deposits at sight
Sightpayment accounts 0,00%
savings deposit 0,00%
1 month 0,02%
3 months 0,05%
6 months0,20%
9 months0,00%
12 months0,80%
13 months1,00%
24 months1,15%
36 months1,40%
60 months2,00%
Denar Deposits with variable interest rate
6 months *0,00%
9 months *0,00%
12 months *0,60%
13 months *0,70%
15 months *0,00%
18 months *0,00%
24 months *1,30%
36 months *1,60%
48 months *1,70%
60 months *1,80%

For early installments of a deposit agreement with monthly interest payment, the depositor is obliged to return the paid monthly interest to the Bank, otherwise, the Bank will deduct it from the deposit.

The interest rates are effective as of 15.07.2024.

The products marked with (*) are suspended, the IR's are valid only for the existing term deposits.

The savings deposits are insured at the Deposits Insurance Fund Skopje.
According with the agreement, the IR are fixed.
The interest is calculated with proportional method.
Minimum amount for term deposits: MKD 6,000.00, exept for 13 months deposit where the min amount is MKD 15,000.00

The Bank keeps the right to change the terms without a prior notice.

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