Individuals > Deposits > Term depozit 25


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25 Мonths TD is deposit for individuals who wish to receive constant income on a longer period but without reducing the capital. The product is available in EUR and MKD for residents and non-residents

25 Мonths TD is term deposit with option for the customer to choose monthly payment of the interest or interest at maturity.

Use the favourable interest rates and get:
- for existing deposits till 31.08.2022 -

Interest rates at the end of the term deposit *Monthly paid interest rates *
MKD1,50% (NRKS+0,48%)1,40% (NRKS+0,38%)
EUR1,175% (6 months euribor+0,95%)1,025% (6 months euribor+0,80%)
for deposits from 01.09.2022 -

Interest rates at the end of the term depositMonthly paid interest rates
In case of Term Deposit with monthly income, the interest is transferred on the customers transaction account at the beginning of each month during the time life of the deposit.

In case of Term Deposit at maturity, the interest is transferred on the customers transaction account on the maturity date.

For term deposits of minimum EUR 250/MKD 15.000. The interest rates are fixed.

The products marked with (*) are suspended, the IR's are valid only for the existing term deposits.
The National Reference Interest Rate (NRKS) is part of the variable interest rates for the deposits in MKD and it’s published on web site of the NBRM with title “Interest rate of deposits in MKD without FX clause”. NRKS is being updated every 6 months on 1.01 and 1.07 every year, based on the latest published for the preceding period.
6 (six-month) Euribor is used for deposits in EUR with variable interest rate as a reference interest rate. The interest rate adjustment will be performed on a six month basis, at 1.01 and 1.07 every year according to the 6 (six-month) Euribor rate, which is valid on the last working day of the previous semester.6 month Euribor currently is 3,672.
The Bank keeps the right to change the terms without a prior notice.

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