Your opinion
Silk Road Bank Skopje has dedicated its efforts in assuring quality to its clients. Offering high quality products and services is a priority in our performance. Thus, it is exceptionally important to us to know if you face difficulties using the Bank's products and services.You can submit your complaint or praise in one of the following ways:
- By sending a letter, by post to the address st. "Dame Gruev no. 1", Skopje or directly in the bank's archive;
- By e-mail: ;
- By leaving a complaint on a duly completed complaint form, in the complaint boxes placed in each branch of the bank;
- By leaving a web message through the complaint and praise form placed on the bank's website, in "Your opinion" section;
- Via telephone line 02/3203 513, open every working day from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm;
- or, simply go to any branch of the bank, our employees will take care of you.